The Effects of Antibiotic Use in Beef

I previously wrote about the health benefits of free range beef. In the article I used, Dr. Axe mentioned that antibiotic use in the meats we eat can cause antibiotic resistance in humans. This caused me to wonder how and why exactly this happens. One way antibiotic resistance is caused is by the over use of antibiotics. Doctors have been prescribing antibiotics to fight issues that aren’t caused by bacteria leading to an increased rate of antibiotic resistance in humans countrywide. The bacteria in the body essentially mutates into a stronger, more resilient “super” bacteria that can’t be killed with conventional antibiotics. The other, more pertinent way antibiotic resistance is caused is by dosing the cattle that is raised for consumption with unnecessary antibiotics. Most farmers dose their cattle with high amounts of antibiotics to promote growth prevent diseases caused by a bad diet and overcrowding. Unfortunately, this causes the animal to develop a disease resistant to antibiotics which can be transferred to humans through consumption.  One article I found states that “the resistant bacteria from agricultural environments may be transmitted to humans, in whom they cause disease that cannot be treated by conventional antibiotics”(Khachatourians). Humans consume the already resistant bacteria, get sick, then seek treatment. Since the bacteria that caused the illness is “super” bacteria, it is much harder to treat. In extreme cases, people die because the bacteria does not react to the antibiotics and medication given.  The reason why antibiotics are used on conventionally raised beef is because they are more susceptible to diseases such as E. Coli. When cattle are only fed grain, it increases the acidity level in their gut which is a very favorable environment for E.Coli. Also, overcrowding is a huge contributor to disease and disease transfer. Cows are sent to feed lots to be fattened up before slaughter. Feed lots are packed with thousands and thousands of cows in small enclosures. There is hardly enough room to turn around most of the time. These small spaces are not only ideal for bacteria growth and transfer but they are also a very stressful environment for the cows. Stress in all living things causes immune systems to weaken making them more susceptible to illness.  Grass fed beef is a better option because it isn’t given antibiotics or growth hormones. Also, grass and other foraged plants are a cows natural diet unlike corn, soy, and other grains used to quickly fatten the cows. Grass fed cows have a balanced digestive system which naturally prevents E. Coli and the majority of other illnesses.

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