8/1 Annotation: Ending Sugar Cravings

In the article “10 Secrets for Ending Your Sugar Cravings For Good”, an unknown author goes into detail about a few ways to help stop sugar cravings . The article starts off by saying that Berkeley, California was the first city in the Unites States to tax sugar drinks in 2014. Americans consume the most soft drinks than any other country on Earth. This is one of the reasons why we have such high obesity and diabetes rates. It has been found that “sugar, found in approximately 75 percent of packaged foods in the U.S., can be as addictive as drugs” (10 Secretes). Some processed foods can even be as addicting as cocaine and heroin. The first way to stop sugar cravings is to avoid processed foods. Sugar has been found to artificially stimulate the region of the brain that produces dopamine, the feel good hormone. When dopamine levels drop, we crave the pleasant feeling again, so we reach for more sugary foods. The second is boosting serotonin levels. This can be done by proper diet, expertise, and sleep. When one has plenty of serotonin, sugar cravings are much less likely. The third is to satisfy your sweet tooth naturally, with stevia. Fourth is to drink plenty of water. A lot of the time, you may think you are craving sugar, but really the body is just dehydrated. Fifth is to keep blood sugar levels stable. This can be done by eating several small deathly meals throughout the day. This avoids the crash that is felt when blood sugar levels drop.Sixth is to eat more greens. Greens help boost energy levels and reduce sugar and processed food cravings. Seventh is to eat more sea vegetables. Sea vegetables are high in vitamins and minerals which sugar depletes from the body. Eighth is to consume more fermented foods and drinks. The sour taste of fermented foods and drinks reduces the cravings for sugar. Ninth is to meditate. Meditation reduces stress levels. When stress is high, sugar cravings become intense. The tenth way is to try some thing called EFT, an advertising tactic.


In the article “Simplifying Sea Vegetables”, Dr. Axe explains the health benefits of sea vegetables. According to the article, sea vegetables provide the broadest range of minerals in any food, ever. They contain all the minerals found in the ocean which are the same minerals found in human blood. Sea vegetables are technically algae, not plants. Dr. Axe then lists a few of the most popular sea vegetables. They are “Arame, Dulse, Hijki, Kelp, Kombu, Nori, and Wakame”(Dr. Axe). These vegetables are a great source of iodine, vitamin K, folate, magnesium, iron, calcium, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid. In addition, they also contain beta carotene, niacin, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins A and C, and 18 amino acids. Another health benefit is that they contain a phytonutrient that inhibits cancer tumor growth called lignans, and an estrogen synthesis in fat cells that have been linked to breast cancer. The folic acid can also help “reduce the risk of colon cancer, prevent birth defects and help protect blood vessel walls”(Dr. Axe). Also, the magnesium found in seaweed can help reduce blood pressure, prevent asthma, heart disease, and migraines. Fucans can be found in same sea vegetables. Fucans can help reduce inflammation in the body.  The one concern with sea vegetables is the fact they are excellent at absorbing things. Depending on if you buy organic or not, the sea weed can contain heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, and lead. It is suggested that whole, as fresh as possible sea weed should be eaten instead of taking seaweed supplements because the dried varieties might not contain the minerals and nutrients found in fresh, whole seaweed.


7/30 Annotation: Organ Damage and Blood Sugar Levels

In the article “Research Connecting Organ Damage with Blood Sugar Level”, Janet Ruhl explains exactly how organ damage occurs when the blood sugar reaches a certain level. It has been found that nerve damage occurs when blood sugars rise above 140 mg/dl. It has been discovered that the length of time someone has had nerve pain correlated with how high over 140 their blood sugar had risen. The testing was done before a meal (fasted blood sugar) and then again after a meal. In the studies done on this subject, a patient who has unexplained nerve pain takes a glucose tolerance test fasted then again after a meal. Post-meal, if their blood sugar levels are about 140 mg/dl, then it explains their nerve pain. Having blood sugar levels above 140 is considered pre diabetes. Many diabetics, either type one or two, have nerve pain as a result of their disease. When someone hasn’t been diagnosed with diabetes but still has nerve pain, it can be pre diabetes. The article says that researches have found that “patients who had impaired glucose tolerance had experienced damage to their small nerve fibers, while those with diabetic level test results had more involvement of the large nerve fibers”(Ruhl). Pre diabetes level is about 140 and diabetic level is around 200. A doctor by the name of Dr. Krinsley has found that keeping critically ill patients blood sugar levels below 140 mg/dl decreased mortality rates by 29.3%. This also decreased the incidence of kidney failure and shortened the patients stay in the ICU. In conclusion, this experiment kept 45 out of 800 people alive who would have died in the hospital.


http://www.womenshealthmag.com/food/i-quit-sugar 266

In the article “5 Ways That Quitting Sugar Changed My Life”, Sarah Wilson explains the reason why she stopped eating sugar and the differences shes noticed in her health since then. Wilson states that she has an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto’s. She also says that the reason why she stuck with the sugarless diet this long is because it has made a dramatic difference in both her disease and general well being. Since quitting sugar, Wilson has zero thyroid antibodies, is on the minimal dosage of her thyroid medication, and her hormone levels have fallen back into the correct range. Quitting sugar helps people who don’t have diseases as well. Wilson lists 5 things that happened when she stopped eating sugar. They are, “My skin changed almost overnight”, “I stopped obsessing about food”, “I lost weight”, “my pain disappeared”, and “My moods stabilized”(Wilson). Wilson says her skin became less puffy, has less wrinkles, has softer skin, and more even toned skin, all within 2 weeks of quitting sugar. After 6 weeks of going sugarless, she was eating 3 balanced meals a day, and no longer felt guilty about food. In total, Wilson lost 30 pounds over 6 months, she lost the first 10 pounds in the first 8 weeks. Her joint and back pain completely disappeared. When she does eat sugar, her pain flares up again and the inflammation that occurs in her body causes her to become puffy. Lastly, Wilson says her moods stabilized. When she switched to healthy fats, protein, and vegetables, she started to notice she had more energy and her insomnia, anxiety, and depression was alleviated. All in all, she feels amazing and quitting sugar was one of the best decisions she’s ever made.

Project Plan and Outline

I want to reach the audience quick and effectively, as well as spark their interest to do research on their own. I would like my audience to be people from 20-70 and parents of young children. I think anyone younger than 20 wouldn’t care about health repercussions that might now show up for a few years. Also, I think people over 70 wouldn’t really care since the majority of them will pass away within the next 5-10 years. However, I think it’s important to let them know what sugar can do to make their illness or health issue worse. I would like to reach parents of young kids because they are in charge of raising the next generation. If parents teach their kids about the dangers of sugar or just never let their children eat sugar, then kids will grow up without a sugar addiction and with the knowledge of all the health issues it can cause.

I would like people to gain basic knowledge about the health implications caused by sugar. Specifically, the damage it does to the brain, liver, and skin, as well as the weight gain it causes. I think these make up the basic knowledge people should have about sugar. There is a lot more to know but I would just like to inspire them to do research on their own. My goal is to spark their interest with some basic facts so they can go teach themselves about all the other dangers.

I am going to do a zine explaining the damage sugar causes to the brain, liver, skin, and weight. The drawback is that it provides limited information, but that is what I am going for. If i give them some interesting information, they will want to know more. It’s good to reach the young and old but I also think it would be good at grabbing parents attention. This being because they are very busy and don’t have time to read a long piece of writing. Also, this will be good and grabbing the attention of people who don’t really know anything about or care about their health.



A little booklet. 4 or so pages.

Front- title page, pics of sugar, maps where it started, different types of sugar.

Page 1-2- Brain and liver damage caused by sugar. pics and 1-2 sentence captions explaining why and how

Page 3-4- skin and weight gain. Pics and 1-2 sentence captions. Stats on weight gain.

7/24 Annotation: Feeding A Cold

In the article “Feed a Cold, Don’t Starve It”, James Hamblin explains the science behind the saying, “Feed a cold, starve a fever”. The article says that it is never a good idea to starve, if you eat a nutritional diet, then “many other factors fall in place that keep your body functioning optimally”(Hamblin). Apparently, you can’t feed or starve bacteria or viruses themselves, but you can control the different types of inflammation that these infections cause. Anorexia (not anorexia nervosa), is a temporary loss of appetite, a symptom many develop when they come down with an illness. It is believed our bodies do this for survival. Our bodies automatically alter our metabolism to deprive our invasive species of fuel. As nutrients and minerals become scarce, the infectious organism will starve before our bodies do”(Hamblin). In a rodent study, mice contracted Listeria, loss their appetites, and eventually recovered. They were then force fed food, causing them to die. This caused Yale researchers to look at it differently. They broke the food down by macronuritients (fats, proteins, carbs). It was found that when the mice were force fed proteins or fats, they survived the illness. However, when they were force fed carbs, the glucose(sugar) found in the carbs is what caused the mice to die. When the mice were injected with a substance that blocks the body’s ability to metabolize glucose, the mice survived. This seems true for this illness but not all. Sometimes glucose is needed for recovery. When the flu was contracted in the mice, force feeding them was crucial and kept the alive. The conclusion that was found was that carbohydrates aren’t good or bad.




In the article ” 4 Foods That Will Make Your Cold Or Flu Worse In An Hour”, the editors or Prevention list four different types of food and why they make you feel even worse when you are sick. The first one is sugar. Sugar causes inflammation that can weaken your immune system. The second listed is dairy. This is because the dairy can cause some people to feel extra phlegmy. Otherwise, it is a good source of protein, vitamin d, and probiotics, which are all good for fighting infections.  Alcohol is next on the list because like sugar, alcohol causes inflammation that weakens the immune system. It also causes the body to become even more dehydrated that it already is, which also causes you to get drunker faster. The last food this article lists is refined carbs. Refined carbs break down quickly into sugar. This will cause a blood sugar raise just like sugar, hindering the immune system in the same way. If you are really craving something like toast when you are sick, make sure the bread is 100% whole wheat.


7/23 Annotation: Brain Fog

In the article ” Beating Brain Fog”, Angela Johnson talks about what exactly brain fog is and what can cause it. Brain fog is not medically defined because there is not a lot of research done on it. Some symptoms of brain for include confusion, lack of clarity and focus, and forgetfulness. Though research on this is limited, “we are beginning to understand is excess inflammation caused by what we eat and drink can play a major role in producing the symptoms experienced”(Brain Fog). When simple sugars are consumed, it causes blood glucose levels to rise sharply then plummet. When that occurs, brain function becomes limited and that is when brain fog develops. Neurons need glucose to function correctly so the body needs to have a stable amount of glucose in the bloodstream.  When simple carbs and sugars are eaten it causes “high spikes raise serotonin and GABA to the point of sleepiness, and hormones such as cortisol, glucagon, and adrenalin are produced to try and mitigate the rapid drop in blood sugar – and cortisol and adrenalin can leave you feeling wired”(Brain Fog).  Though there are many other possible causes of brain fog, such as  inadequate sleep, toxin exposure, hormone imbalances, and medications, uneven glucose levels seems to be the most common and predominate. A way to prevent brain fog is to keep blood sugar balanced. This can be done by eating small amounts often and eating good amounts of fiber, healthy fats, and quality protein. Also, keeping away from processed foods, refined sugars, and herbicides.





7/22 Annotation: Sugar on the Brain

In the article “Effects of high-fructose diets on central appetite signaling and cognitive function”, Lowette, Roosen, Tack, and Vanden Berghe examines the relationship between fructose and the brain.The article reviews the fructose- induced consequences on appetite signaling and cognitive functions. It has been shown in rodent studies that “fructose intake can lead to brain insulin resistance, which leads to diminished cognitive function”(Effects of Fructose). Fructose impact can be reduced by adding omega-3 fatty acids to the diet. The direct link between the two has not been discovered yet however, the intake of the beneficial food components counteract (Effects of Fructose). The article refers to rodent studies saying that female rats are more if not completely protected against the fructose- induced cognitive impairments due to their estrogen. It has been suggested that estrogen may counteract these effects. When fructose is consumed with glucose, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, with fruit, it does not have the same effects are when fructose is just consumed alone, such as when consumed in sweetened beverages. Consuming fructose found in fruits versus fructose found in sweetened beverages and other unhealthy foods have different effects on the brain and other bodily functions. Since the discovery of the ability to turn glucose into fructose and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and obesity has risen, steadily. It has also been found that, “high-fructose diets were recognized to cause oxidative stress, decreased glucose tolerance, insulin resistance, and hypertension”(Effects of Fructose). Neurodegeneration and diabetic complications have also been linked to the rise of use of HFCS and fructose as sweetener. In conclusion, fructose has zero positive outcomes on the body and brain and only causes damage to the body.




In the article “Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution”, an unknown author describes how omega-3 fatty acids can prevent diseases. Omega-3 fats are essential but cannot be made by the body, they can only be gotten from food. Omega-3 can be found in fish, vegetable oils, nuts, flax, and leafy vegetables. Omega- 3 fats are an important part of cell membranes and “affect the function of the cell receptors”(“Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution”).  They also function in making hormones that regulate blood clotting, the contraction of artery walls, and inflammation. It has been found that Omega-3’s can help prevent or help control health issues such as heart disease, strokes, lupus, eczema, rheumatoid arthritis, and help prevent cancer. According to the article, “these fats appear to help the heart beat at a steady clip and not veer into a dangerous or potentially fatal erratic rhythm”(“Omega-3 Fatty Acids: An Essential Contribution”). This article didn’t mention how it can counteract the effects of fructose though.



7/20/ Annotation: Sugar Can Make You Sicker

In the article “Death by Sugar: The Impact of Sugar on Acutely Ill Patients”, Benjamin Schultze and Sheila Ridner explain why sugar is linked to “worse health outcomes in hospitalized patients”(Death by Sugar). In the body, sugar is converted into glycation end-products through the metabolism. The glycation is what causes hospitalized patients to become sicker. According to the article, Americans, on average consume about 80 pounds of sugar each year, the global average is 55 pounds per year. In 2012, Americans average sugar consumption was 137 pounds per year. Research has found that sugar consumption is directly correlated wit sugar consumption. This explains why America has the highest obesity rate. The article states that, “Long-term chronic elevation of glucose has been associated with diseases of the endothelium such as diabetes, coronary artery disease, and stroke”. Also, “the same vascular changes appear to affect brain function and overall cognition”(Death by Sugar). Glucose is needed for the body to function, it is what gives the brain and muscles energy. However, too much over a long period of time can cause the issues previously listed. Fructose used to be thought of as a low glycemic index sweetener and was used to sweeten many food items and drinks. Fructose doesn’t raise blood sugar levels but, it has been found that it makes tissues insulin- resistant and it promotes diabetes. Also, research has found that, “Fructose spurs liver lipogenesis, resulting in elevation of triglycerides and low-density liopoprotein serum levels. Furthermore, high level of fructose consumption correlates directly with elevated blood pressure and promotes free radical production that damages cells” (Death by Sugar). Free radicals are unstable atoms or molecules, they are essentially what causes cancer.


I cannot attach the link because it is a PDF.


In “How Sugar Weakens Your Immune System”, an unknown author explains how exactly sugar effects the immune system. When you eat sugar, cells undergo a lethargy that can last for a few hours. During this sugar lethargy, the cells that are responsible for fighting off illness are weakened and “are impotent against bacteria”(“How Sugar Weakens Your Immune System”).  In addition, a lot of your immune system is found in the gut. In order to have a healthy gut, there should be an 85/15 balance of good and bad bacteria. When an excess amount of sugar is consumed, it throws off the balance of good and bad bacteria, leaving you more susceptible to illness. Even eating too much fruit can cause this to happen. Fruit contains fructose, which raises blood glucose levels. When blood glucose levels are high, it can cause insulin resistance. According to research, “cancer cells feed on sugar”(“How Sugar Weakens Your Immune System”). It has also been found hat sugar lowers good cholesterol (HDL) and increases the density of bad cholesterol (LDL). The cold and flu are types of systematic inflammation, which can be caused by poor diet choices, such as consuming sugar.  Other types of systematic inflammation include, joint pain, cancer, organ distress, and diabetes, all have been found to be a result of eating inflammatory foods such as sugar.  Though cutting sugar out of your diet may not always  prevent you from getting a cold or flu, it can help reduce the duration and severity of the illness. It can also help you recover from the illness faster.

